
14 亞當-大自然的園丁  





Through the parables in the Book of Genesis, we see a drama of a universal scale unfolds. At the beginning, God creates the heaven and the earth. In the process of creating something out of nothing, we also see chaos transforming into orderliness, water springing up from dry ground. We see the creation of life in all forms: plants, fish in the sea, birds in the sky, and insects on the ground. Like an artist and a mason, God is pleased with His work at the end of each day.

The story tells us, the creation of the universe is not random. It was carried out by an omnipotent and all-wise Creator whose existence is self-evident. Although the existence of the universe is relative, the fact it was created by a self-evident being means that its existence is unquestioned. All living things are an extension of God. This means the flesh, the soul and the spirit are of one entity.  

In the Book of Genesis, mankind is God’s last creation. Since God is an individual entity with critical thinking ability, self-will, and emotions, His creation--man and woman--also possess the same traits. As God is the guardian of the universe, man is naturally nature’s the steward and the caretaker.

But the fact that the man possesses Godlike qualities, it is both noble and dangerous. The danger is when man starts to puff-up and depends his own standards to judge between right and wrong. When this happens, the traits that were meant to be divine, will become demonic which would lead to the ultimate demise of the entire world.


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