17世紀英國清教徒約翰‧本仁(John Bunyan)在獄中寫下靈程寓意文學《天路歷程》一書。描寫一個本來在世俗洪流中載沉載浮的墮落者,如何蒙恩成為基督徒,並因此自覺的離棄他在「將亡城」的生活,踏上一趟無比艱辛、充滿誘惑與掙扎的信仰旅程。
In the 17th century, a Puritan writer John Bunyan wrote “Pilgrim’s Progress” while he thrown in prison for his religious beliefs and conduct. In the book, the protagonist transforms from a man encumbered with worldly matters to a devoted Christian and man of God. The allegory describes the central character’s treacherous journey from his hometown, “City of Destruction”, to his final destination. The trip, likened to the man’s pursuit of faith, is filled with hardship and temptations.
Now in the 21st century, the world is still shaped by volatility, doubts, and hollow desires. While we see a rapid growth in the academic field, the acceleration of knowledge has also taken the world to a risky place of uncertainty. Man’s views on social orders, morality, and the ecosystem have all been skewed if not destroyed. As a modern-day pilgrim, we must wake up the world and remind people of their Godly nature. We must contemplate how to place love as the core value in our lives.